Written by Corey Waite Arnold
Programmed by Jason Corbett
[[Press the power button|Boot Up]]
You [[listen|Boot Noise]] as your console comes slowly to life, [[peer|Boot Sights]] through the vents at the tangled network of cords inside.
The monitor flashes on and your curser blinks three times before scrolling out the Bishop Industries logo. The slogan comes next, green on black. Corporate says the contrast is supposed to be good for the eyes. Your frequent migranes suggest otherwise.
You browse the home screen idly, glance at the Uralite exchange rate in the top right corner. $exchangeRate TSK / Ounce. Not bad at all, considering the recent manipulations in China. Could certainly be worse.
It takes you a moment to notice the blinking indicator on the messages tab, a voice log from Bill with the subject line:
"A Favor?"
You wonder whether you should [[open it now|Bill's First Message]], or [[wait|Ignoring Bill]] until that second cup of coffee, after your brain has thawed.
The console begins its familiar sequence of boot noises. Is it sad that you know them all by heart? The first is the hard drive grinding to life, something quick and vivid, a bit like a bug zapper nabbing an innnocent moth. Then come the fans spinning, stopping, spinning again, tasting the air, the way a swimmer splashes water onto her arms and legs before the initial plunge.
Finally the network, that strange sequence of analog clicks and white static, the signal from your console connecting to the others in the shared office, then reaching out across the country to HQ where it is beamed to the sattelite in low orbit before bouncing off to other Bishop properties across the galaxy. You can almost picture the big web of data, painted in green across the black vacuum nothing of deep space. It's a little sinister, that image. Like a deranged kid writing his name over and over again on a chalkboard. Might want to write that down, before you forget.
Shit, how long have you been zoning out? Should probably [[hop to it|Boot Up]].With your eye pressed right up against the vent you can see the entire motherboard. It's lit in alternating reds and greens by tiny flashing bulbs on the RAM sticks. The sight always reminds you of a city after a power outage, the way the traffic signals turn into dumb blinkers above the abandoned streets.
The heat sink on the processor towers above the rest of the circuit board, like a skyscraper eyesore among stubbier buildings. You follow a knot of cords down towards the network card out of sight, behind the power source, perhaps. And that would be, what? The harbor? Sending data packages in and out, like shipping containers across a vast ocean?
Oh boy, you're in your head again. Might look crazy if someone in the office catches you looking for this long. Time to [[start the grind|Boot Up]].Bill's voice comes through too loud, and you lurch forward towards the volume dial, hoping you haven't disturbed the adjacent cubicles. You hear Franklin shift in his chair, a deliberate, slow transfer of weight from one asscheek to another. A very Franklin thing to do, that kind of passive aggression. He's never liked you.
You lower the volume and restart Bill's message from the begining, in case you missed something. His voice is a bit distant, as if he's on speaker:
"Boku! It's Bill, from the twelfth floor? How's it hanging? We have got to get you and Grace over for a dip. We just installed a new saltwater pool—I swear to Christ Boku, it's like swimming through air.
Anyway listen, my plate is full, like full-full, and the brass just passed me one mission too many. It's a real camel's back situation. Do you think you could take it over for me? It's not much, a real dunker if you ask me. Command of five marines, and according to scans the place is just teeming with Uralite. Best part is: it's their first mission, so they don't know what to expect. Company is looking for about 2500 ounces but if you're willing to be, um, aggressive with the personnel, I wouldn't be surprised if you come out with double, even triple that.
Check your inbox for full details and dosiers on the team. Boat lands at 0800, so let me know if you can do it as ASAP as possible, you know what I'm saying? I gotta run, my secretary is wearing this blousy thing and she's—yup, she's picking up a pencil, my god. Catch you later Boku. Be easy—Glenda, hey!"
You close the message tab, think about Bill's offer. Funny to hear him talk about Grace that way. He must not have heard about her situation.
In any case, Bill must be in a pinch to come this low down the chain. Could be an opportunity, and good money if you [[accept]]. Plus, command of a live squad would be a nice change of pace. You've been getting a little tired of troubleshooting the janky ass drones they usually stick you with.
On the other hand you'd have Bill breathing down your neck the entire time, so might be best just to [[ignore him|Ignoring Bill]].
You browse idly through the inter-office communications while Bill's plea stews in your inbox. Message list shows a [[memo about Uralite trends]], a reminder about the forthcoming [[seminar on multicultural communication]], and an [[invitation to Karen's 40th Birthday Party.]]
Dragging your attention away from the monitor for a moment, you can hear soft typing and low chatter from the cubicles at your left and right. In the station across the aisle, behind your back, you can hear Franklin's heavy breathing. There aren't any windows so it's hard to know what time it is. The white flourescents are humming away. If you had perfect pitch, could you name the key?
Looks like you found the bottom of your coffee mug. [[Refilling it|Coffee Discovery]] could kill a few minutes, get you out of your seat. Bill's message is still blinking impatiently. Could [[listen to it|Bill's First Message]], or even [[accept]] his offer if things get too boring.
Hell, why not? You shoot Bill a quick message, let him know you'll take the mission. A few seconds later your personnel folder starts winking at you. Must be files on the team.
Inside, you see profiles for three soldiers, two privates plus an officer named Monroe. Should probably take a look before making the initial contact. The more information you have on your team before they hit the ground, the smoother things will go.
[[Sergent James Monroe]]
[[Private Jennifer Doyle]]
[[Private Bertrand Hallifax]]
[[The Bradbury System]]
[[Drop Zone: The Malachi IV Terraformer]]
(link-reveal: "Establish Contact")[(set: $theMinute to it + 45)(goto: "First Contact")]
Bishop Teams:
Happy Monday! As you know there's been some volitility in the market. Here are the trends you should be watching.
*Venezuala: the civil war kicked up a notch after protestors and rebels occupied some robotics manufacturing facilities. At the moment it's unclear how that will unfold, but expect fluctuations if our military decides to arbitrate.
*Sendai Global Tech: our Corporate Interventions Team got hold of some internal memos from SGT that suggest someone in their lab is close to cracking cold fusion. Seems like an obvious plant, but if the information is legit it would mean a sudden devaluation of Uralite globally.
*China: continues to manipulate currency, but notthing outside of ordinary patterns. Keep an eye on their launch sites, as always. Remember to get more aggressive with resources if their off-world traffic starts to pick up.
That's it for now. Keep up the [[fantastic work|Ignoring Bill]].
Desmond Rank
VP of Market Solutions
Corporate Interventions co-chairBishop Industry Administration and Staff:
This Friday at 1400 the Quality Control team will be hosting a seminar on Multicultural Communication.
Our esteemed speaker will be Frederic Watt, PhD. Doctor Watt is an expert on personnel management and interpersonal engagement. His first book, commissioned by Bishop Industries, is entitled "Stay Sharp! Effecient Communication During Times of High Stress." The work is an extension of his doctoral thesis on the psychology of fear. Refreshments, Q&A, and a book signing to follow.
The seminar will be held in the North Wing Break Room on the 48th floor, and is mandatory for all Bishop employees.
Keep up the [[hard work|Ignoring Bill]]!
Elly McIntosh
Vice President of Human Resources
Conflict Management Co-ChairHello All,
Karen is turning 40 bitches! Can you believe it? lol. We were thinking of going down to that place in sub 12 on Thursday, the Korean BBQ joint with Karaoke. I asked Karen what she wanted to do and she said get FUCKED. UP. They have $3 wells and the songs are free.
Anyway it's that or the Hub again, up on 9. I'm up for either. Just don't invite Marketing lol. Those guys are dicks.
lmk if you're down!
p.s. [[get back to work lol|Ignoring Bill]]The Kitchen sits in the middle of the offices, a sort of hub from which you can overhear the work of your colleagues. You listen to the soft chatter as you pour youself another cup of coffee. One voice stands out, high and relentlessly chipper. It's coming from a cubicle nearby. You strain to chatch some of the words.
"...Okay, Sg. Hinkly? There's a corridor to the north west, do you see it? That's great. According to my scans there's a significant deposit of Uralite at the end of the hall, in the southeast corner, behind some crates. Could you retrieve it please? Yes, your team is still attached. No reason to worry, looks like contact is minimal. Follow the corridor, please. Yes, I say again, your team is still attached and contact is minimal. Follow the corridor. Thank you for your cooperation."
There's a long pause after that, and you hear utter chaos faintly piping through a headset. The operator must have taken off her headphones. Usually those sounds are noise cancelled. After a few minutes the voice starts up again.
"Sg. Hinkly? Sg. Hinkly do you read? My scans have you back by the elevator, is that right? Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me which arm? Left or right. Great, I've contacted your team on a private channel and they should be on the way. Yes, they've got a medic drone in tow, should be no problem at all. You said your stomach as well? I'm very sorry to hear that, Sg. Hinkly. The medic drone is forthcoming, just relax, breathe. Are you breathing Sg. Hinkly? The team should be there any minute, please continue talking with me as they approach. That's good. I'm happy to hear it. Can I ask you, did you retrieve the Uralite, or is still in the room? You did! That's good news. You did a good job Sg. Hinkly. You should be proud of yourself for what you've done. You can relax now. Yes, breathe deeply. I'm very proud of your commitment. Bishop Industries is proud of your commitment. That's good. Follow the light then. Don't let it fade! Team should be there any minute. Just hold tight, relax. Relax. Sg. Hinkly, it looks like your pulse has decreased and steadied. You must be feel very relaxed. Can you read? Sg. Hinkly?"
You should probably get back to your desk, either [[waste|Ignoring Bill]] some time there or [[listen to Bill's message already.|Bill's First Message]] He's not very patient, if you remember correctly.
NO. 182344
HEIGHT: 5'10"
DOB: 08/19/23
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PRIOR OCCUPATIONS: Mechanical Engineer, Factory Foreman
SENTENCE: 5-10, aggravated assault
[[Read up on the rest of the Marines.|accept]] B I S H O P I N D U S T R I E S
NO. 384023
HEIGHT: 5'8"
DOB: 12/03/43
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PRIOR OCCUPATIONS: US Military Counter Intelligence
SENTENCE: 30-Life for Treason, mishandling of classified materials
[[Read up on the rest of the Marines.|accept]]
NO. 304920
HEIGHT: 6'2"
DOB: 02/03/35
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Graying
PRIOR OCCUPATIONS: Cab Driver, book keeper
SENTENCE: 10-20 for embezzelment, Debt Malfeasence, check fraud
[[Read up on the rest of the Marines.|accept]](After going through the first room with your team and hitting the hostiles, you hear someone in the cubicle next to you muttering. Should you listen in? Y: She's relentlessly chipper)
Okay, Sg. Hinkly? There's a corridor to the north west, do you see it? That's great. According to my scans there's a significant deposit of Uralite at the end of the hall, in the southeast corner, behind some crates. Could you retrieve it please? Yes, your team is still attached. No reason to worry, looks like contact is minimal. Follow the corridor, please. Yes, I say again, your team is still attached and contact is minimal. Follow the corridor. Thank you for your cooperation.
Long pause, insane battle noises etc.
Sg. Hinkly? Sg. Hinkly do you read? My scans have you back by the elevator, is that right? Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me which arm? Left or right. Great, I've contacted your team on a private channel and they should be on the way. Yes, they've got a medic drone in tow, should be no problem at all. You said your stomach as well? I'm very sorry to hear that, Sg. Hinkly. The medic drone is forthcoming, just relax, breathe. Are you breathing Sg. Hinkly? The team should be there any minute, please continue talking with me as they approach. That's good. I'm happy to hear it. Can I ask you, did you retrieve the Uralite, or is still in the room? You did! That's good news. You did a good job Sg. Hinkly. You should be proud of yourself for what you've done. You can relax now. Yes, breathe deeply. I'm very proud of your commitment. Bishop Industries is proud of your commitment. That's good. Follow the light then. Don't let it fade! Team should be there any minute. Just hold tight, relax. Relax. Sg. Hinkly, it looks like your pulse has decreased and steadied. You must be feel very relaxed. Can you read? Sg. Hinkly?
endThe fans in your console kick into overdrive as your machine reaches out for the network, grabs it, the sequence of signal noises screeching at double speed. Your display shudders a bit, and then boots a crude map, nothing but a green box with three green triangles inside. Each one is labeled with a rank and letter.
The moment the map boots you hear voices in your headset. Some kind of argument.
"But that wasn't the question, Jennifer. You're not listening to me." A man's voice. High, with an English accent. "I said what's the first meal you're going to have when you get back. The first thing you're going to eat."
"I heard you, Bert," a woman's voice this time. "And my answer still stands: Veronica Hallifax." Some spin on that last word. Three whole syllables, with attitude. You can hear laughter now, the woman herself chuckling.
"Jesus, Doyle, put your fucking tongue away. You're disgusting. You know that?"
"What?" More laughter.
"Fuck me for trying to start a civilized conversation."
"Civilize this," the woman says, milking it now.
"Right, well, not sure what you're grabbing but yes, I get it. Well done."
"Cut the chatter." A new voice. Stern, gravelly, some authority in it. Must be Monroe. The coms quiet down. "We've established contact with our CO. Major Boku, sir? This is Captain James Monroe of the 87th Platoon, Bradbury System Detail. Do you read?"
You're shaken for a moment. It's hard to remember your rank, sitting around in the office all day. The drones never used it, seeing as they couldn't talk. You acknowledge contact.
"We're ready to proceed with the operation on your command," Monroe says. "Our maps went dark the moment we breached, so we'll be relying on you to navigate."
You hear someone heave out a long sigh behind Monroe, and then some muttering on the other channels. "Blind leading the fucking blind..."
"Armour up! Get in formation," Monroe shouts "Heads on a swivel, folks, and keep the channels clean so we can hear Major Boku. On your mark, sir." {(set: $begunMission to true)}
[[Proceed to Door 1|Door 1]]According to the dossier, The Bradbury System sits eleven lightyears away. It boasts three suns, including a Red Dwarf set to pop any decade now. Corporate Brass took an interest in the place about two years back, when scans turned up a Uralite rich planet they're calling Malachi. The place was uninhabitable at the time but after an aggressive campaign of terraforming Bishop personel can at least land a boat down there.
There's a disconcerting note attached at the bottom of the standard files, an all points memo about how Bishop has lost contact with it's terraforming team six weeks ago. Last anyone heard they were in the [[terraformer itself|Drop Zone: The Malachi IV Terraformer]] performing standard maintenance. HR insists there's no reason to be alarmed, but you're reminded that mistakes do happen in this business. Marines should know what happened as soon as they get there. Might want to [[read more about your team|accept]] now.
According to schematics, the Malachi IV resemble most of the other Bishop terraforming constructs of that era. There are three huge combustion chambers seperated by heavy airlock doors. Each chamber is capable of spewing the necessary gaseous cocktail into the atmosphere but the place works best when all three are going at once.
There also seems to be ton of Uralite here, as Bill mentioned. Must have sprouted up in the last six weeks, since Bishop lost track of the terraforming team. Mission seems simple enough: get in, grab the Uralite, and get the [[Marines|accept]] home safe.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
(set: $MissionZone to 1)
(set: $DoorBonus to $Door1TrustValue)
}You try to remember your training as your team of three approaches the door to the terraformer. Being a good leader is about building trust with your soldiers. The more they trust you, the most likely they are to keep a cool head and follow orders when the shit starts to fly.
As Monroe starts the breach sequence on the door you have a few moments to talk to your marines. You could [[open a private channel to Bertrand.|BertrandConversation]], get to know him a little better, or [[open a private channel to Jennifer|JenniferConversation]] if you'd rather.
Whoever you decide to talk to remember to listen. These soldiers are scared. They want to know you're on their side. After a few minutes Monroe's voice comes in loud over the coms.
"First door breached, sir," he says. "Entering the first terraforming chamber now."
"Dark as shit in here," Doyle mutters.
"Torch up," Monroe yells. "Wouldn't want anybody to...hold on. What was that."
The coms go quiet for a moment. You can hear the steady pulse of the terraformer behind Monroe's breathing. Suddenly your headphones erupt in a horrible chaos of gunfire and gutteral screams. The marines seem to have made some kind of contact but you can barely hear your own voice frantically giving orders over the sounds of combat. Hopefully they kept cool heads, and that they trust you, because it looks like there's plenty of Uralite to be had down there.
After things calm down a little you're able to assess the situation, see how everyone made out.
(set: $JenniferCombatRoll to $JenniferTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
(set: $BertrandCombatRoll to $BertrandTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
}(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[{(set: $JenniferHealthLevel to it - $damage)}Fuck, Jennifer is hit. Deep wound on her left shoulder. She can still walk and shoot, but you better be careful from here on out. One more like that and she's a goner.]
(else-if: $JenniferCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Jennifer handled herself well in there. Came out without a scratch.]
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[(set: $BertrandHealthLevel to it - $damage)Bertrand is hit and now he's screaming his head off about a claw stuck in his chest. Monroe has medi-foam on hand to calm him down, but there's no way he'll survive another blow like that.]
(else-if: $BertrandCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Bertrand must have been listening as you gave orders. He escaped with just a few bruises.]
{(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Jennifer found 750 ounces of uralite behind an old crate. She's got a very cool head. That's valuable.]
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Jennifer was shaken up by that last fight, but still able to (either:"find","pick up") 300 units of uralite. Not bad, considering.]}
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 0)[Jesus, Jennifer's vitals are in the tank. Looks like she took something sharp to the chest. She's bleeding out and you'll have to leave her.]
{(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Bertrand hit the jackpot, found 750 units of uralite growing like a stalagtite from a pipe in the ceiling.]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Bertrand is babbling like an idiot, but he was still able to grab 300 units of uralite.]}]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 0)[Bertrand was ambushed, three or four of them going to town on him. There aren't enough bullets in the world. He's a goner.(set: $BertrandAlive to false)]
[[Proceed to Door 2|Door 2]]{
(set: $MissionZone to 2)
(set: $DoorBonus to $Door2TrustValue)
}The team approaches the second door and attempts to breach it. You have a few minutes to kill, a perfect opportunity to learn more about your team. You can either [[open a private channel to Bertrand.|BertrandConversation]] or [[open a private channel to Jennifer.|JenniferConversation]]More chaos behind as the door slides open. Monroe is keeping a cool head but you can barely stand to hear Jennifer scream like that. Whatever she's seeing up there must be terrible. The sounds alone are almost too much to bear. You'll be thinking about them tonight, when you get home from work.
You get a sit rep from Monroe after the team clears the room.
(set: $JenniferCombatRoll to $JenniferTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
(set: $BertrandCombatRoll to $BertrandTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
}(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[(set: $JenniferHealthLevel to it - $damage)Jennifer took a nasty hit and now she's whimpering about burns on her arm, asking you why you didn't tell the team that the things spit acid.]
(else-if: $JenniferCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Jennifer survives the assault unscathed. Things are really humming up there. She's got her wits about her.]
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[(set: $BertrandHealthLevel to it - $damage)Wow, Bertrand's left hand was crushed after a crate fell onto it. He won't survive another hit like that.]
(else-if: $BertrandCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Bertrand doesn't take any damage at all. Hope he was actually fighting.]
{(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Jennifer obtained 750 ounces of uralite!]
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Jennifer is stressed, but the good news is that she was able to (either:"find","pick up") 300 units of uralite!]}]
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 0)[Jesus, Jennifer's vitals are in the tank. Looks like she took something sharp to the chest. She's bleeding out and you'll have to leave her.(set: $JenniferAlive to false)]
{(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Bertrand is calm and collected. He found 750 units of uralite inside one of the creatures. A good haul.]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Bertrand can barely tell what's going on but somehow he was able to find 300 units of uralite.]}]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 0)[Bertrand was ambushed, three or four of the things going to town on his back and legs. There aren't enough bullets in the world. He's a goner.(set: $BertrandAlive to false)]
[[Proceed to Door 3.|Door 3]]{
(set: $MissionZone to 3)
(set: $DoorBonus to $Door3TrustValue)
}Last chance to talk to your team before a breach. Better make the conversation a good one: you want to keep their mind off of whatever the hell they just witnessed.
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{[[Open a private channel to Bertrand.|BertrandConversation]]}]
(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{[[Open a private channel to Jennifer.|JenniferConversation]]}]You're still not used to the sound of their fighting. Monroe yelps in bitter agony at one point, and you try to imagine the kind of pain that would cause a grown man to yell like that.
Still, Uralite is Uralite, and it looks like the team recovered some. Monroe gives you the sit rep through gritted teeth.
(set: $JenniferCombatRoll to $JenniferTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
(set: $BertrandCombatRoll to $BertrandTrustLevel + (random: 1, 20))
}(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[{(set: $JenniferHealthLevel to it - $damage)}One of the marines got too close to Jennifer during a firefight and showered her with hot shell casings. Her forearms are burned up pretty bad, but she can still fight.]
(else-if: $JenniferCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Jennifer made it through the fight without taking any significant damage. She's a scrapper, that's pretty clear.]
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandCombatRoll <= $CombatCheck)[(set: $BertrandHealthLevel to it - $damage)Bertrand is delerious after staring too closely into the eyes of one the things as they charged him down. Monroe popped it before things got too bad, but Bert might never be the same.]
(else-if: $BertrandCombatRoll > $CombatCheck)[Bertrand fought hard and came out without any wounds at all. That's good news.]
{(if: $JenniferHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Jennifer basically tripped over 750 ounces of uralite. The place is chock full of it.]
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Despite her burns, Jennifer was able to (either:"find","pick up") 300 units of uralite.]}]
(else-if: $JenniferHealthLevel is 0)[(if: $JenniferAlive is true)[Jennifer can barely breathe after that one. She's just a liability now. You'll have to leave her behind. Remember to tell Monroe to grab the uralite she collected.(set: $JenniferAlive to false)]]
{(if: $BertrandHealthLevel > 0)[{
(if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 2)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 750)Bertrand had a good idea to crack open the engine coils. He found 750 units of uralite inside. Where does this stuff come from?]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 1)[(set: $UraliteCount to it + 300)Bertrand is barely trying now. He still found 300 units of uralite, though.]}]
(else-if: $BertrandHealthLevel is 0)[(if: $BertrandAlive is true)[Bertrand keeps saying he's dizzy, and now he's lying down. You know from the manuals what shock looks like. You'll have to take his uralite and leave him behind.(set: $BertrandAlive to false)]]
[[Leave the terraformer.|End]]The marines fight their way through the third chamber and out the other side where there's a drop ship waiting for them. It's hard to know whether the operation was a success. The team was able to extract $UraliteCount ounces of Uralite, which is a great haul, especially at current exchange rates. Bill will be happy to pass that alone, and Bishop brass might even give you an attaboy.
You can't help but think about the marines themselves, though, as you shut down your console. They're probably in low orbit now, heading back to their nearby prison colony. One hell into another. But it's almost 5:00 p.m. planetside, and you know what that means.
(link-reveal:"Quittin' time.")[(reload:)]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You open a private channel with Hallifax, who seems eager enough to have what he calls a “proper chat.” You could ask him about [[prison|Bertrand Arc 1, Door 1]], or about what his [[life was like before|Bertrand Arc 2, Question 1]] he got involved in whatever mess put him there.{
(set: $BertrandArc to 2)
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 1)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“Ah, now there’s a memory I’d just as soon forget. But that's the thing about love, eh mate? It has a nasty habit of sticking around. I met mine in a seedy basement called Chester’s, a gross parody of an English pub in Philadelphia run by a fattened Anglophile who wore, I shit you not, a bowler cap. I think he kept me around tending bar because I was a real life Englishman. Or at least that's what I told him. Truth be told I'm as Welsh as a fucked sheep.
In any case she stepped in one cold night, all alone, and ordered a Negroni. Beautiful drink, and I told her so. Problem was she had a fat a shiner, a big black bugger ringed around her left eye that looked ridiculous floating above the string of pearls on her neck. I asked her what happened. I shouldn’t have. A man in my condition, a lone traveler with no Visa, had no business falling in love. It can only lead to trouble.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $BertrandArc to 1)
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 1)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}"Well that was a comical affair, I must say. Can you imagine it? A perilously skinny Welshman like myself stuck in a concrete block with the worst society has on offer? They weren't all bad, I suppose. I did meet a friend, an older gent named Tex who seemed to have his head on straight, at least at first. He approached me the second night, when I was cowering in the corner on my cot, pretending to sleep. He didn't say anything, just tossed something onto my bed, a paperback novel that hit me in the ribs. It was Robinson Crusoe. Defoe, writing about an Englishman, stranded and alone, so far away from home."
(display: "EncounterRoute")You open a private channel with Jennifer, but you’re not sure what to talk about. You could ask her about [[home|Jennifer Arc 1, Door 1]], or the [[war|Jennifer Arc 2, Door 1]].Jennifer didn't seem too keen on that corporation, [[System Technologies AG.|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 1 Right]] Could ask her about that. Although it might have been called [[AT Technology Incorporated.|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]] Or was it [[AG Systems International?|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]] Either that or[[AP System Solutions|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]]{
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 2)
}“Who? Sounds like a super hero. There were lives on the line that day, you understand? Anyway I should really focus on the ask at hand. Sir.”
(display: "EncounterRoute")Who wrote that book Bert was talking about? You remember it was a classic. It was either [[Dumas|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]] or [[Defoe|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 1 Right]]. Or maybe it wasn't a D at all. [[Melville|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]]? [[Swift|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 1 Wrong]]?You'd love to hear more about the woman Bert met at the bar. What was her name...[[Allison|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]]? Could have been [[Amanda|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]] or [[Andrea|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]]. Or maybe he [[didn't say|Bertrand Question 2, Arc 2 Right]].{
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“That’s right, Robinson Crusoe. Seemed strange at the time, because I wasn't alone at all. Quite the opposite. The prison was a hot house, overcrowded and violent, choked by a hierarchy couldn’t hope to navigate. Not without Tex, that is. He called me over to his table a few days later and told me as much, that I was hopeless without him, the muscle he could influence, his sway with the guards. He also asked if I had read the book. I said I had. Then he asked me a favor, something very simple: would I stand watch outside the showers in two days time. For just a few minutes. The way he said it made me think I didn't have much choice. So I agreed.”
(display:"EncounterRoute")Jennifer seemed to enjoy her war stories. Maybe you could ask her about, what was it...[[Nighthawk?|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]] Either that or [[Nightfist.|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 2 Right]] Could have been [[Nightwing,|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]] actually. Or [[Nightblade.|Jennifer Question 2, Arc 2 Wrong]]{
(set: $JenniferArc to 2)
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 1)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“War? Nobody talks about it anymore. Last time I had any fun, truth be told. Don’t tell these meat-heads but I was a console jockey, and a good one. Was one of the first in after the blast. We jacked in, must have been five, ten minutes after, me and two or three others striding across the network towards the Russkies, armed with the best ICE breakers the government had on offer. You should have seen the place that day: white hot with data, the entire planet just panicking like it was the end of the world or something. We felt like Gods in there, come down from our thrones to save humanity. Until we met Nightfist 2.0, that is. Felt a little different after that.”
(set: $JenniferArc to 1)
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 1)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“I was born on Luna, actually. Helium miner’s daughter and all that. Dad and brother cooked dirt for 8, 10 hours a day, burned every scrap of dust up there looking for He-3. Nobody got rich but the owners: Systems Technology AG, may they rest in piss. Mom left when I was a kid so it was up to me to keep house. God, I hated it. I think that’s what drew me to the Net: a place where I could work, create, play. See some colors besides the dull grays up there on that rock. But Dad got Whitelung and everything was different after that.”
(display:"EncounterRoute")Bert must have been terrified to be sucked into a prison power struggle so quickly. What did Tex ask him to do, exactly? [[Watch for guards,|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]] or [[invite certain prisoners into the showers?|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]] Might have wanted him to [[invite the guards towards the showers,|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]] or just [[stand watch over the showers in general.|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 1 Right]]At some point Jennifer must have gotten mixed up with the US Government, but it's hard to know how or when. Maybe it has something to do with her brother, [[Jesse.|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]] Or was it [[James?|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]] It was either that or [[Jackson.|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 1 Right]] No. [[Joseph?|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 1 Wrong]]{
(set: $TrustLevel to 0)
(set: $UraliteCount to 0)
<!-- Current zone -->
(set: $MissionZone to 0)
(set: $begunMission to false)
<!-- Conversation markers -->
(set: $MariaTrustLevel to 0)
(set: $MariaConversationLevel to 0)
(set: $MariaHealthLevel to 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to 0)
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 0)
(set: $BertrandArc to 0)
(set: $BertrandHealthLevel to 2)
(set: $BertrandAlive to true)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to 0)
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 0)
(set: $JenniferArc to 0)
(set: $JenniferHealthLevel to 2)
(set: $JenniferAlive to true)
(set: $AskedJenniferAboutHome to false)
(set: $AskedJenniferAboutPrison to false)
<!-- EXCHANGE -->
(set: $exchangeRate to (random: 4350, 4550) + (random: 1, 6))
<!-- CONSTANTS -->
(set: $DoorBonus to 0)
(set: $Door1TrustValue to 3)
(set: $Door2TrustValue to 3)
(set: $Door3TrustValue to 3)
(set: $CombatCheck to 10)
(set: $damage to 1)
<!-- HOURS -->
(set: $theHour to 10)
(set: $theMinute to 15)
(if: $JenniferConversationLevel is 0)[(display:"Jennifer Question 1")]
(else-if: $JenniferConversationLevel is 1)[{
(if: $JenniferArc is 1)[(display:"Jennifer Question 2, Arc 1")]
(if: $JenniferArc is 2)[(display:"Jennifer Question 2, Arc 2")]
(else-if: $JenniferConversationLevel is 2)[{
(if: $JenniferArc is 1)[(display:"Jennifer Question 3, Arc 1")]
(if: $JenniferArc is 2)[(display:"Jennifer Question 3, Arc 2")]
(if: $MissionZone is 1)[(set: $theHour to 14)[[The door opens.|Encounter 1]]]
(else-if: $MissionZone is 2)[(set: $theHour to 15)[[The door opens.|Encounter 2]]]
(else-if: $MissionZone is 3)[(set: $theHour to 16)[[The door opens.|Encounter 3]]]
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
}(display: "Clock") | URALITE EXCHANGE RATE: (display: "UraliteExchange") / ounce
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(if: $begunMission is true)[URALITE OBTAINED: $UraliteCount ounces
HALLIFAX VITALS: TRUST: $BertrandTrustLevel HEALTH: (print: $BertrandHealthLevel * 50)%
DOYLE VITALS: TRUST: $JenniferTrustLevel HEALTH: (print: $JenniferHealthLevel * 50)%
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(set: $MaryTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + 2)
}Pep talk!
(set: $MaryTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + 2)
}Pep talk!
(if: $BertrandConversationLevel is 0)[(display:"Bertrand Question 1")]
(else-if: $BertrandConversationLevel is 1)[{
(if: $BertrandArc is 1)[(display:"Bertrand Question 2, Arc 1")]
(if: $BertrandArc is 2)[(display:"Bertrand Question 2, Arc 2")]
(else-if: $BertrandConversationLevel is 2)[{
(if: $BertrandArc is 1)[(display:"Bertrand Question 3, Arc 1")]
(if: $BertrandArc is 2)[(display:"Bertrand Question 3, Arc 2")]
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 2)
}I'm not sure what you mean. If you don't mind, we're trying to breach a door here.
(display:"EncounterRoute")You'd kill to hear the end of Bert's story, but you have to show him you've been listening before he opens up. He said that Celeste ordered the perfect drink. It was either or a [[Norina|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]] or a [[Nepoleon|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]]. Unless it was a [[Negroni|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 2 Right]]. Some “N” anyway. A [[New Orleans Fizz|Bertrand Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]]?{
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 2)
}"Who in god's name are you talking about? I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask for some privacy at the moment. Being attacked by unimaginable horrors and all that. I'm sure you understand."
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $BertrandConversationLevel to 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}Celeste. Her name was Celeste. What happened? Exactly what you'd expect when two young people fall in love. We spent several days together in a state of complete bliss, walking along the river in the mornings and tossing our clothes around hotel rooms in the afternoons. It was the evenings that were tough, you see. Because Celeste, well, she had a husband. A violent bloke, too. Owned a grimy club and a stupid hat? That's right old boy, she was married, for the second time actually, to Chester himself.
And Chester began to suspect immediately. Celeste had that glow about her. A happiness that Chester resented. He hit her, and it drove me mad, watching that illiterate stack of shit lounging in the back of the bar every night, berating her. I had to do something. So I did.
(display: "EncounterRoute")Excuse me? I'd never consent to such a thing, especially so soon after arriving in that terrible place. You must not have cared enough to listen.
(display:"EncounterRoute")“Yes, a rather benign task, or so I thought. I suppose I thought he wanted privacy, and I didn’t care to imagine much deeper than that. I wish I had, though, because I heard the most horrific noises while I stood. And what I saw after I'll never forget. After Tex and whomever else he had in there left the showers on the other side I stepped inside to find footprints, dozens and dozens of them, all in blood. Dark red on the white tile floor. I ran the showers to get rid of them. I wonder now what crime I had covered up, what justice I had prevented. Tex never talked to me after that. But I stayed safe, thank god. At least until being conscripted into this mess, the Bishop Detail. Worst post in the galaxy, some say. Personally, I'm glad. I'd have done anything to get out of that place.”
(display: "EncounterRoute")“A what? Who would drink that? Please, I beg of you, keep this channel clear. We’re preparing an assault at the moment.”
(display: "EncounterRoute")“Ah yes, the Negroni. Campari is not for everyone, you see. One must have the palate of a sophisticate. Not like that pig Chester. He deserved what I gave him and more, truth be told.
It started slow, a few bills from the bar here, a voided tab there. Then some simple book cooking and debt juggling, just enough to put away a nest egg, something Celeste and I could use to get away. I so wanted her safe from that man. I shouldn't have asked her to get involved. It was when she started to steal from the safe deposit box that we were found out. Chester caught her right in the act. It was dreadful, absolutely dreadful. I should have killed him that night. I had the chance, you see. But instead I played the coward, the so called ‘civil’ man. I was dragged away later that night by those awful thugs you call Policeman, just a lone Welshman with no friends, no visa. A man without a country. But that was years ago now, and Celeste is only a memory. At least now I get to carry a gun. Right old chap?”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $MaryTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $BertrandTrustLevel to it + 2)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + 2)
}Pep talk!
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 2)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“I can hardly explain it. We demolished the first few layers of ICE at range, 100% US Grade A Shit-Your-Pants data ordinance, orange stripes of it arcing across the black sky of the network and erupting in a pale fire. I'll never forget it. But by the time we hit the castle there weren’t any guards. It was like Russky had launched nuclear war in meatspace but decided not to leave anyone at the consoles to protect their networks. Didn’t feel right.
And it wasn’t. He strolled out of the rubble in a blue cloak, nothing but voided space against the network, like some kind of data death. And he didn’t want to fight. Didn’t have to. All he did was transfer some materials. NSA docs, mostly, but also CIA, FBI. No idea where he found them, but the pictures were enough to turn your stomach. Did you ever read about My Lai? Me neither, not until then anyway. And that shit was daycare compared to Chechnya, Yemen. Hard to feel patriotic after all that.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 2)
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“God, weren't they a piece of work? Entire colony got Whitelung, and they didn’t do shit about it. Can't tell you how many funerals I attended. Not just Dad, either. His friends, all of them. My brother Jackson and I, we stood there and watched their bodies float offworld in metal boxes. The corporate priest would always deliver the same stale lines: he was a good man, a proud father, may STAG prosper forever, amen. Net was better. No lungs to scorch in there. No body at all.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $JenniferConversationLevel to 2)
}“Who? Sounds like a super hero. There were lives on the line that day, you understand? Anyway I should really focus on the ask at hand. Sir.”
(display: "EncounterRoute")Hard to know what Jennifer saw in Nightfist. You could [[chastise|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]] her for abandoning her post, or [[offer sympathy,|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]] tell her you understand how hard it must have been to fight after that. Maybe she'd respond better to [[anger:|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 2 Right]] tell her the US is fucked. That's why you went corporate. Maybe just [[ask a question:|Jennifer Question 3, Arc 2 Wrong]] how did seeing all that material maker her feel?‘Who the fuck is that? Listen I appreciate the attention at all but we're a little busy at the moment.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“Jackson, yeah. Who knows? He could still be stuck in those god awful mines for all I know. I met an Army recruiter a few months after Dad passed, guy who said I was a hacking ‘virtuoso.’ It was all I needed to hear. Took a boat out the next day, never looked back. I do think about him, though, sometimes. When it's quiet.”
(display: "EncounterRoute")‘You don't seem to understand me. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'm talking women and children melted, pulverized, and for what? So a few assholes selling arms and tech could line their pockets? Fuck that. I'm glad I'm in this detail, frankly. Never want to see a G Man ever again.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){
(set: $JenniferTrustLevel to it + $DoorBonus)
}“That's exactly what I mean. What good is a democratic society if its entire legacy is blood and ash? I started hacking to get away from all that. I wanted to find a place free from the violence of the body, a place where the mind and spirit find free play. Utopia. Who knows if I’ll ever find it.”
(display: "EncounterRoute"){(live: 2.5s)[(set: $coinFlip to (either: "heads", "tails"))
(if: $coinFlip is "heads")[(set: $exchangeRate to it + (random: 0, 4))]
(if: $coinFlip is "tails")[(set: $exchangeRate to it - (random: 0, 4))]
$exchangeRate TSK]
<div class="piece scanlines noclick"></div>
<div class="piece glow noclick"></div>
(set: $theMinute to it + (either: 5, 10))
(if: $theMinute > 59)[(set: $theHour to it + 1)(set: $theMinute to it - 60)](if: $theMinute < 10)[(set:$theMinute to it + 10)]
(print: $theHour)<blink>:</blink>(print: $theMinute) UTC